YOUTH GROUP is open to all!

Youth Group is a safe space for middle schoolers and high schoolers where they can be themselves, while loving one another the way Jesus taught us to.  We strive to accept and care for one another through the words we speak and actions we take inside and outside of Youth Group. 

We meet from 6 to 8 p.m. most Thursday nights in Fellowship Hall, and enjoy a home-cooked dinner together. 

Youth Group is a space that we have fun while also continuing on our walk with Jesus and each other.  We enjoy various games, activities, movies, snacks, etc.  Once a month we strive to partake in a “Social Event” which can range from Ice Skating, swimming, Drive in Movies, game nights, lock ins and much more!  We also strive to have once a month “Service Events” where we connect with the needs in our community.

“Youth Group is a place where I can be myself and not have to worry about what others may think of me.”  – Youth Group student

Brien McChesney is the Director of Youth Ministries at Lake Winola United Methodist Church. He serves the group with his wife, Liz as well as other adult volunteers. To contact Brien, email him at

We follow strict guidelines of Safe Sanctuaries for all our meetings and all of our volunteers and staff must go through extensive background checks and trainings before they are allowed to work with the youth.